Zep[R] Truck & Trailer Wash – 55 Gal. Drum
The appearance of your trucks says a lot about your company. So keep working vehicles on the road and looking good with this labor-saving Truck & Trailer Wash. It cleans exhaust deposits, road film and bug residues from heavily worked trucks and trailer s in just one application, without scrubbing or brushing.
Zep[R] Truck & Trailer Wash – Gal.
The appearance of your trucks says a lot about your company. So keep working vehicles on the road and looking good with this labor-saving Truck & Trailer Wash. It cleans exhaust deposits, road film and bug residues from heavily worked trucks and trailer s in just one application, without scrubbing or brushing.
Zep[R] Zepynamic A ll Surface Disinfectant – 16 oz.
Inactivates HIV-1 (AIDS) virus and Herpes Simplex Types 1 and 2 viruses on precleaned environmental surfaces or objects previously soiled with blood or bodily fluids. Kills TB, Salmonella, Paratyphoid B, Streptococcus, canine-related and other viruses. Ki lls Athlete's Foot fungus, Escherichia coli, and Staphylococcus aureus. Controls mold and mildew. Dries instantly leaving no oily film. EPA registered. Thoroughly and rapidly kills bacteria, viruses and fungi on environmental surfaces. Reduces the haza